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Programme Success

Programme Success

At  Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) we have safe, efficient detox programmes for addiction to stimulants, opiates, and mental health issues. From heroin to cocaine, alcohol to methamphetamine and beyond, we provide programmes specially developed to help break the addiction cycle for each substance to pave the road to sober living for each of our clients. 


Due to its unique properties, ibogaine provides a virtually withdrawal-free detox programme. The combination of ibogaine treatment with our holistic approach means that through activities such as exercise, massage, yoga and breathwork, we provide the tools you will need on the other side: ongoing aftercare to help you lead an addiction-free life once you leave us and step back into your own life. 


Ibogaine is unique in its effect on the body and the mind. It is much more than a suppressant to diminish cravings.

As opiates and stimulants affect one’s body and mind to differing degrees, at Iboga Root Sanctuary we identify two main spheres of action when it comes to this powerful plant medicine.


On the mind, it brings to attention one’s specific psychological fissures and trauma-points, compassionately creating an inner dialogue that promotes healing. 


In physical terms, it works to combat the many symptoms of withdrawal, while providing an all-out neurological reset and replenishing the brain’s neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, to their baseline, pre-addiction levels. 


There are many variables to be considered when assessing the success rates of Ibogaine as a detoxification treatment. Some studies clearly show ibogaine’s effectiveness in their results, such as this one conducted between 2012 and 2015 in Mexico. 


Out of 88 patients treated for opioid dependence, a majority of patients (72%) had a history of opioid use for at least 4 years and 69% used opioids daily. The majority (80%) found that ibogaine alleviated or greatly reduced withdrawal symptoms. Half said ibogaine reduced opioid cravings, with 25% reporting lasting reduction for at least 3 months. 30% reported complete abstinence from opioids after treatment. Of these, 54% remained abstinent for at least a year, with 31% abstinent for 2 years or more.


Contact us to discover how we use ibogaine to release your mind from that vice-like grip and return it to the way it was before addiction.
