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Kundalini Yoga

Yoga has many benefits for the recovering addict, both physical and mental. A wide range of postures enable the individual to achieve greater flexibility, stretch ligaments, reduce joint resistance and exercise tendons. Through this variety of postures the body’s internal organs are being massaged, a stimulation that helps flush out toxins. Muscle toning and increased energy levels are welcome benefits at this stage of recovery.


These various physical postures alongside controlled breathing techniques can soothe the mind, aid concentration and enhance sense of patience. These are attributes of great use to the recovering addict. They can be utilised to cope with cravings, agitation, insomnia and other withdrawal related side-effects.


Coping with a variety of difficulties is central to dealing with a successful detox. An inability to deal with challenging thoughts, emotions or situations can bring your progress at our centre to a halt. Through expressed flexibility and measured breathing, control can be taken at these awkward or oppressive moments.


Whether upset with oneself or angry with others, the ability to achieve a balanced peace at will can be life-changing. Working on mind and body simultaneously, yoga can bring the individual to a meditative state. From here a much needed sense of calm and contemplation can be enjoyed. Those in recovery appreciate this state much more than most yoga practitioners as it is so far removed from their recent, everyday state of mind.


At Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) we take aspects from different strands of Yoga to formulate a programme that provides fruitful results as part of our wider holistic approach to aftercare. You can take this life skill away with you because your fresh start with us is just that – a start. This new hope for the future can be enhanced with continual yoga practice in your everyday life.
