
Portugal/Worldwide +351965751649

Ready to get help? Our Treatment Consultants are available 24/7.

Holistic Approach

We are also available for those who simply want to stay with us for after-care and wish to take advantage of our wide range of treatments.

As you’ll see from the pages below, we offer a truly holistic approach to treatment. Its not simply about arriving at Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK), going through your healing process, resting a few days and then leaving – what you typically find at many other clinics elsewhere. We have a rapidly growing team of holistic treatment therapists who will be there to ensure body, soul and mind are healed during and after your treatment.

Mindfulness and meditation

Turning ‘can’t do’ into ‘will do’ may seem an impossible challenge to most recovering addicts – to their practitioners too..


Bodywork and breathwork

Rebalancing works with a unique combination of individual body analysis, deep tissue work and self – inquiry. As the body..


Equine assisted therapy

Among the many healing therapies that are available in addiction treatment, equine assisted psychotherapy has shown to be beneficial ..

Light therapy

Light therapy involves a machine which fires individual beams of white LED light at closed eyes.

Medicinal cacao

Our cacao is medicinal and one of the best ceremonial grades that has been sourced by a renowned shaman to facilitate deep healing.


Kambô is the secretion of the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog that has traditionally been used by various indigenous

Kundalini yoga

Yoga has many benefits for the recovering addict, both physical and mental. A wide range of postures enable the individual to..
