How to Deal with Depression

How to Deal with Depression
How to deal with depression can look different for everyone, but there are a few tried and tested strategies you can experiment with. These are valid strategies whether or not you have undergone an ibogaine treatment for depression.
Whichever strategy you choose to start with, it is important to remember not to overwhelm yourself. Start simple. Pick one item at a time, and work on that. Then, when you feel comfortable, start introducing some of the other elements.
Also, be aware that when we are stuck in the loop of depression, our resistance to change (even if that change seems positive) will be a natural reaction, so be prepared to encounter some degree of it. Also, know that resistance can only be overcome by persistence.
The small ways in which you choose to show up for yourself to help you cope will accrue over time and motivate you to keep doing the necessary work to pull yourself back up again.
The Core Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Learn How to Challenge Negative Thoughts
The core principle behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is that our moods are not created by events or people themselves, but by our perception of those events or people (ie. Our thoughts about them or ourselves). If you are not in a position where you can afford therapy, try any of the following books: “The Feeling Good Handbook,” by Dr. David D. Burns. An invaluable DIY Cognitive Behavioral Therapy manual, it will teach you how to untwist your cognitive distortions and irrational self-beliefs.
Change How You Eat
When depressed, while the tendency is to go into autopilot and merely eat for survival, remember that your body and mind are a finely tuned machine. The brain, above all, needs specific nutrients to function at optimal levels.
Get Enough Sleep
Matthew Walker, in his insightful book “Why We Sleep,” wrote: “When sleep is abundant, minds flourish. When it is deficient, they don’t.” Depression can make it difficult to sleep, and that, in turn, can worsen depression. Avoid watching television or using your phone in bed, unless it’s to listen to an audiobook to help take you out of your thoughts.
Though you may not feel the motivation at all, do remember that science has proven that there is an inverse correlation between exercise and depression: the more you do the former, the less you will suffer from the latter. There’s no need to run marathons. Simply start with a 30 minute walk every evening, for example. Also, consider taking up a form of meditation, or breathwork.
Implement a New, Healthy Habit
The small, fundamental units of behaviour that shape our daily routines and actions are what one should focus on. In “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, argues that by focusing on making small improvements in these atomic habits, we can achieve remarkable results in the long run.
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
While the temptation to self-soothe may be there, especially when suffering from depression, it is important to remember the following. Alcohol, for example, is actually a depressant, and will make you feel worse. If you indulge in drugs or alcohol regularly, also remember that they can and will tamper with your dopamine and serotonin levels, affecting the natural balance of your brain.
The Benefits of Setting Goals
When depressed, there is an underlying inner narrative that tells us we are worthless, that we’re no good, that we can’t get anything done. Think of the easiest task you can possibly do, that needs doing every day: it could be as easy as drinking a glass of water. It doesn’t matter that it feels “stupid.” The point is to have it be so simple, that it’s easy to accomplish. Self-confidence is incremental, and by showing up for yourself in small ways every day, you will in time be able to tackle the bigger things.
Set Yourself Some Responsibilities
Moreso, make these people-related, if possible. Depression too often makes us pull back from responsibilities at work or home. It is important to stay involved with at least one or two responsibilities, as this will help ground you and give you a sense of achievement. If nothing else, you may want to consider volunteer work of some kind.
Set Yourself a Routine
Getting up off the couch or out of bed is essential to healing from depression. Again, the key is to start simple, but give yourself a schedule to follow. Try waking up, eating, and going to bed at the same time each day, to start with. Then, see what else you could fit into it from the above list.
Try to Have Fun
This is perhaps the most difficult point to implement, but that is only because the absence of “fun” is a symptom of depression. Remember that if you believe that “nothing is fun anymore,” a belief is only a practiced thought. Much the same way you taught yourself to believe that nothing was fun anymore, by making time for something fun, be it on your own, or with friends, and sticking to it, you will begin to feel the rewards.
If you or anyone you know are struggling with depression, and have not had significant breakthroughs with conventional therapies, consider contacting us here at Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) and we can explain to you how an ibogaine treatment for depression might be the alternative you’ve been looking for.