Heroin Addiction Treatment
As heroin is considered a short acting opiate, Ibogaine proves effective in dealing with its detoxification. The expected withdrawal symptoms are mostly eradicated. Opiate receptors resume pre-addictive settings and alongside Tabula Rasa Retreat’s holistic aftercare, positive steps are made to maintain non-addiction.
We all know how severe heroin withdrawal symptoms are. Links to pleasure receptors reconfigured over time are hard to break and then reset. This is why so many other treatments fail. Coupled with this are the vicious withdrawal symptoms from sneezing to panic attacks, leg tremors to vomiting and worse. Much worse.
Ibogaine seems to dilute dopamine concentrations in the body. It is this reduction that counters the usual opiate withdrawal symptoms to the extent that more can be achieved on the other side. This is where the support of the experienced, qualified providers of Tabula Rasa Retreat makes a difference. We ask participants to taper down to 1 gram or less ahead of arrival at the retreat. We then offer a choice of a 9 or 18 day detoxification – or 30 days for those with lengthy abuse histories or those taking a combination of methadone, Subutex or Suboxone alongside heroin.
For a life away from heroin, for a future lined with hope and a path to get there that’s imbued with compassion and understanding, visit Tabula Rasa Retreat for a final fresh start